As one of the most important tools in the kitchen, it’s important to take the best care of your knives to ensure that they remain sharp - and therefore safe. 

Whether you have a few kitchen knives or a whole collection of them, you have probably thought about what the best way is to store your knives. Ultimately, this all depends on personal circumstances, including how many knives you have, and how much space you have in your kitchen. 

But one thing is for sure: proper knife storage will help to maintain the integrity of your knives and extend their lifespan. Whilst it might seem easier to just pop them in the drawer, you will not regret investing in a form of knife storage. A form of knife storage will not only help maintain the performance of your knives but also allow you to store them more neatly and access them more easily.  

There are many different options available to store your kitchen knives, but which ways are more of a help than a hindrance? In this article, we take a look at how to store your kitchen knives, highlighting what to look for in knife storage, as well as the best ways to store your knives safely without having to worry about accessibility - or aesthetics!